Solving for the
Analytic Piecewise
Extension of Tetration and the Super-logarithm
by Andrew Robbins
An overview of previous extensions of tetration is
presented. Specific conditions for differentiability and
piecewise continuity are shown. This leads to a way of
generating approximations of the super-logarithm. These
approximations are shown to converge to a function that
satisfies two basic properties of extensions of tetration.
This paper has been broken into parts because of FreeServer's restrictions on file sizes. To obtain a complete version, email the author at the address at the bottom of the page.
- Part 1
Cover-sheet, Introduction, Background, and Extensions
- Part 2
Beginning of Results
- Part 3
End of Results, Generalization, and Conclusion
- Part 4
Appendix A (Code) and B (Graphs)
- Part 5
Appendix C (Data), D (Identities), and References