About the Code
The following code, regardless of CAS or programming language, will
follow some structure, and will always have the following three functions:
- linearize
Prepares a list of power series coefficients from
an n-th degree linearization of exponentiation.
(Formerly known as prepare.) In mathematica, this
is written Linearize[ ].
- superlog
Finds the super-logarithm base x of z using the coefficients.
- tetrate
Finds the y-th tetration of x using inverse function methods.
New Code
This page includes code that is very different than the code found in the paper.
The code in the paper requires that preparation be done before-hand, whereas
the new code allows you to call the
tetrate and
superlog functions without any
preparation, because it does the preparation on the spot.
This is very innacurate, but on the good side, it's fast.
Another new feature is multiple preparation. You can now call
prepare (in Mathematica only) with a list describing the numbers of
n you wish to prepare. Instead of solving the systems of equations
separately, it combines several steps so that it saves time. The way
that it does this, is through
partial row-reduction.
partial row-reduction method could be the subject
of an entire paper, but simply put, it solves a
m by
m matrix
only upto row
n (assuming
n <
thus being able to grab solutions from that
as if it were an
n by
n matrix. Then continue
by row-reducing the
m by
m matrix that is already
partially row-reduced. This
allows you to
n), and
m) at
the same time!
The reason the
partial row-reduction method is useful is
because the only way to determine the "accuracy" of the values you
get with
n) is to compare them to values at a higher
preparation, say maybe
n). For small values of
this is trivial, but when comparing values prepared from
n=200 to
n=400, every microsecond counts.
Mathematica Code
Code from Paper (v1.0)
** Usage:
** prep = SuperLogPrepare[n, x];
** SuperLog[prep, z] -- gives n-th approx. of slog_x(z)
** Tetrate[prep, y] -- gives n-th approx. of x^^y
** Copyright 2005 Andrew Robbins
SuperLogPrepare[n_Integer, x_] := {x, LinearSolve[Table[
k^j/k! - If[j == k, Log[x]^-k, 0], {j, 0, n - 1},
{k, 1, n}], Table[If[k == 1, 1, 0], {k, 1, n}]]}
SuperLog[v_, z_?NumericQ] := Block[{(*SlogCrit*)},
SlogCrit[zc_] := -1 + Sum[v2, k*zc^k/k!, {k, 1, Length[v2]}];
Which[z ² 0, SlogCrit[v1^z] - 1, 0 < z ² 1, SlogCrit[z], z > 1,
Block[{i=-1}, SlogCrit[NestWhile[Log[v1, #]&, z, (i++;#>1)&]]+i]]]
Tetrate[v_, y_?NumericQ] := Block[{(*SlogCrit, TetCrit*)},
SlogCrit[zc_] := -1 + Sum[v2, k*zc^k/k!, {k, 1, Length[v2]}];
TetCrit[yc_] := FindRoot[SlogCrit[z] == yc, {z, 1}]1, 2; If[y > -1,
Nest[Power[v1, #]&, TetCrit[y - Ceiling[y]], Ceiling[y]],
Nest[Log[v1, #]&, TetCrit[y - Ceiling[y]], -Ceiling[y]]]]
New Code (v1.1)
(* Usage:
** prep = SuperLogPrepare[x, n]; -- Prepare for slog_x(z)_n
** SuperLog[x, z] -- Prepare fast (n=10)
** SuperLog[prep, z] -- Use local prep
** SuperLog[z] -- Use global prep
SuperLogPrepare[x_, n_Integer] := {x, LinearSolve[Table[
k^j/k! - If[j == k, Log[x]^-k, 0], {j, 0, n - 1},
{k, 1, n}], Table[If[k == 1, 1, 0], {k, 1, n}]]}
SuperLogPrepare[x_, {nMax_Integer}] := SuperLogPrepare[x, {1, nMax}]
SuperLogPrepare[x_, {nMin_Integer, nMax_Integer}] :=
SuperLogPrepare[x, {nMin, nMax, 1}]
SuperLogPrepare[x_, {nMin_Integer, nMax_Integer, nStep_Integer}] :=
Block[{m}, m = Table[If[k <= nMax,
k^j/k! - If[j == k, Log[x]^-k, 0], If[j == 0, 1, 0]],
{j, 0, nMax - 1}, {k, 1, nMax + 1}];
Table[m[[Range[i]]] = RowReduce[m[[Range[i]]]];
{x, m[[Range[i], nMax + 1]]},
{i, nMin, nMax, nStep}]]
SuperLogLinear[x_, z_] := SuperLog[{x, {}}, z, (#2-1)&]
SuperLogCritical[{x_, terms_}, z_] := -1 +
Sum[terms[[k]]*z^k/k!, {k, 1, Length[terms]}]
SuperLog[z_?NumericQ] := SuperLog[$SuperLogPrep, z]
SuperLog[{x_?NumericQ, terms_List}, z_?NumericQ] :=
SuperLog[{x, terms}, z, SuperLogCritical]
SuperLog[{x_?NumericQ, terms_List}, z_?NumericQ, f_] := Which[
z < 0, f[{x, terms}, x^z] - 1,
z == 0, -1,
0 < z < 1, f[{x, terms}, z],
z == 1, 0,
z > 1, Block[{i = -1}, f[{x, terms},
InternalSLO2[x_, z_] := Block[{dec, mtx, y1, y2},
mtx = Table[Table[If[k == 12, If[j == 0, 1, 0],
k^j/k! - If[j == k, Log[x]^-k, 0]], {k, 1, 12}], {j, 0, 10}];
mtx[[Range[10]]] = RowReduce[mtx[[Range[10]]]];
y1 = SuperLog[{x, Most[mtx][[All, 12]]}, z];
y2 = SuperLog[{x, RowReduce[mtx][[All, 12]]}, z];
If[y1 != y2, dec = Floor[-Log[10, Abs[y2 - y1]]];
Floor[y2*10^dec]/10^dec, y2]];
InternalSLO3 = Compile[{{x, _Real}, {z, _Real}}, InternalSLO2[x, z]];
SuperLog[x_?NumericQ, z_?NumericQ] /; (1.4 <= x <= 16) := InternalSLO3[x, z]
(* Usage:
** prep = SuperLogPrepare[x, n]; -- Prepare for tet_x(y)_n
** Tetrate[x, y] -- Prepare fast (n=10)
** Tetrate[prep, z] -- Use local prep
** Tetrate[z] -- Use global prep
TetrateLinear[x_, y_] := Tetrate[{x, {}}, y, (#2+1)&]
TetrateCritical[prep_, y_] :=
FindRoot[SuperLogCritical[prep, z] == y, {z, 1}][[1, 2]]
Tetrate[y_?NumericQ] := Tetrate[$SuperLogPrep, y]
Tetrate[{x_?NumericQ, terms_List}, y_?NumericQ] :=
Tetrate[{x, terms}, y, TetrateCritical]
Tetrate[{x_?NumericQ, terms_List}, y_?NumericQ, f_] := If[y > -1,
Nest[Power[x, #]&, f[{x, terms}, y - Ceiling[y]], Ceiling[y]],
Nest[Log[x, #]&, f[{x, terms}, y - Ceiling[y]], -Ceiling[y]]]
InternalTEO2[x_, y_] := Block[{dec, mtx},
mtx = Table[Table[If[k == 12, If[j == 0, 1, 0],
k^j/k! - If[j == k, Log[x]^-k, 0]], {k, 1, 12}], {j, 0, 10}];
mtx[[Range[10]]] = RowReduce[mtx[[Range[10]]]];
z1 = FindRoot[SuperLog[{x,
Most[mtx][[All, 12]]}, z] == y, {z, 1}][[1, 2]];
z2 = FindRoot[SuperLog[{x,
RowReduce[mtx][[All, 12]]}, z] == y, {z, 1}][[1, 2]];
If[z1 != z2, dec = Floor[-Log[10, Abs[z2 - z1]]];
Floor[z2*10^dec]/10^dec, z2]]
InternalTEO3 = Compile[{{x, _Real}, {y, _Real}}, InternalTEO2[x, y]];
Tetrate[x_?NumericQ, y_?NumericQ] /; (1.4 <= x) := If[y > -1,
Nest[Power[x, #]&, InternalTEO3[x, y - Ceiling[y]], Ceiling[y]],
Nest[Log[x, #]&, InternalTEO3[x, y - Ceiling[y]], -Ceiling[y]]]
(* Fast Approximations:
** SuperRoot[y, z] == srt_y(z) (n=10)
** IterExp[x, y, a] == exp_x^y(a) (n=10)
** IterLog[x, y, a] == log_x^y(a) (n=10)
SuperRoot[y_, z_] := FindRoot[Tetrate[x, y] == z, {x, 2}][[1, 2]]
IterExp[x_, y_, a_] := Tetrate[x, y + SuperLog[x, a]]
IterLog[x_, y_, a_] := IterExp[x, -y, a]
(* Globals *)
$SuperLogPrep = SuperLogPrepare[E, 10];
Maple Code
Code from Paper (v1.0)
## Usage:
## prep := superlog_prepare(n, x):
## superlog(prep, z); -- gives n-th approx. of slog_x(z)
## tetrate(prep, y); -- gives n-th approx. of x^^y
## Copyright 2005 Andrew robbins
superlog_prepare := proc(n::integer, x) [x, linsolve(matrix([seq([seq( k^j/k!-`if`(j=k,1,0)*log(x)^(-j), k=1..n)], j=0..(n - 1))]), [seq(`if`(k=1,1,0),k=1..n)])];end proc;
superlog := proc(v, z) local slog_crit; if not (z::numeric) then return 'procname'(args); end if; slog_crit := proc(zc) -1 + sum(v[2][k]*zc^k/k!, k=1..(vectdim(v[2]))); end proc; piecewise(z = -infinity, -2, z < 0, slog_crit(v[1]^z) - 1, z = 0, -1, 0 < z and z < 1, slog_crit(z), z = 1, 0, z > 1, (proc() local a, i; a := evalf(z); for i from 0 while (a > 1) do a := evalf(log[v[1]](a)); end do; slog_crit(a) + i; end proc)());end proc;
tetrate := proc(v, y) local tet_crit; if not (y::numeric) then return 'procname'(args); end if; tet_crit := proc(yc) local slog_crit; slog_crit := proc(zc) -1 + sum(v[2][k]*zc^k/k!, k=1..(vectdim(v[2]))); end proc; select((proc(a) evalb(Im(a) = 0 and 0 <= Re(a) and Re(a) <= 1) end proc), [solve(evalf(slog_crit(z)) = yc, z)])[1]; end proc; piecewise(y = -2, -infinity, -2 < y and y < -1, log[v[1]](tet_crit(y+1)), y = -1, 0, -1 < y and y < 0, tet_crit(y), y = 0, 1, y > 0, (proc () local a, i; a := tet_crit(y - ceil(y)); for i from 1 to ceil(y) do a := v[1]^a; end do; evalf(a); end proc)());end proc;
New Code (v1.1)
## Usage:#### prep := superlog_prepare(x, n): -- Prepares for slog_x(z)_n## superlog(x, z); -- Prepares fast (n=10)## superlog(prep, z); -- Uses 'prep'## superlog(z); -- Uses 'Global_superlog_prep'##with(linalg):superlog_prepare := proc(x, n::integer) [x, linsolve(matrix([seq([seq( k^j/k!-`if`(j=k,1,0)*log(x)^(-j), k=1..n)], j=0..(n - 1))]), [seq(`if`(k=1,1,0),k=1..n)])];end proc;superlog_linear := proc(x, z) superlog([x, []], z, (proc(v, z) z - 1; end proc));end proc;superlog_critical := proc(v, z) -1 + sum(v[2][k]*z^k/k!, k=1..vectdim(v[2])); end proc;superlog := proc() local prep, x, z, f; if (nops([args]) = 1) then if not ([args][1]::numeric) then return 'procname'(args); end if; superlog(Global_superlog_prep, args, superlog_critical); elif (nops([args]) = 2) then z := evalf([args][2]); if not (z::numeric) then return 'procname'(args); end if; if not ([args][1]::list) then x := evalf([args][1]); prep := [x, linsolve(matrix([seq([seq( evalf(k^j/k!-`if`(j=k,1,0)*log(x)^(-j)), k=1..10)], j=0..9)]), [seq(`if`(k=1,1,0),k=1..10)])]; superlog(prep, z, superlog_critical); elif ([args][1]::list) then superlog(args, superlog_critical); else return 'procname'(args); end if; elif (nops([args]) = 3) then z := [args][2]; f := [args][3]; if not (evalf(z)::numeric) then return 'procname'(args); end if; if (([args][1])::list) then prep := [args][1]; x := [args][1][1]; if not (evalf(x)::numeric) then return 'procname'(args); end if; else return 'procname'(args); end if; piecewise( z < 0, f(prep, x^z) - 1, z = 0, -1, 0 < z and z < 1, f(prep, z), z = 1, 0, z > 1, (proc() local a, i; a := evalf(z); for i from 0 while (a > 1) do a := evalf(log[x](a)); end do; f(prep, a) + i; end proc)()) else return 'procname'(args); end if;end proc;## Usage:#### prep := superlog_prepare(x, n): -- Prepares for slog_x(z)_n## tetrate(x, y); -- Prepares fast (n=10)## tetrate(prep, y); -- Uses 'prep'## tetrate(y); -- Uses 'Global_superlog_prep'##tetrate_critical := proc(v, y) local slog_critical; select((proc(a) evalb(Im(a) = 0 and 0 <= Re(a) and Re(a) <= 1) end proc), [solve(evalf(superlog_critical(v, z)) = y, z)])[1];end proc;tetrate := proc() local prep, x, y, f; if (nops([args]) = 1) then if not ([args][1]::numeric) then return 'procname'(args); end if; tetrate(Global_superlog_prep, args, tetrate_critical); elif (nops([args]) = 2) then y := evalf([args][2]); if not (y::numeric) then return 'procname'(args); end if; if not ([args][1]::list) then x := evalf([args][1]); prep := [x, linsolve(matrix([seq([seq( evalf(k^j/k!-`if`(j=k,1,0)*log(x)^(-j)), k=1..10)], j=0..9)]), [seq(`if`(k=1,1,0),k=1..10)])]; tetrate(prep, y, tetrate_critical); elif ([args][1]::list) then tetrate(args, tetrate_critical); else return 'procname'(args); end if; elif (nops([args]) = 3) then y := [args][2]; f := [args][3]; if not (evalf(y)::numeric) then return 'procname'(args); end if; if (([args][1])::list) then prep := [args][1]; x := [args][1][1]; if not (evalf(x)::numeric) then return 'procname'(args); end if; else return 'procname'(args); end if; piecewise( y = -2, -infinity, -2 < y and y < -1, log[x](tetrate_critical(prep, y + 1)), y = -1, 0, -1 < y and y < 0, tetrate_critical(prep, y), y = 0, 1, y = 1, x, y > 0, (proc () local a, i; a := tetrate_critical(prep, y - ceil(y)); for i from 1 to ceil(y) do a := x^a; end do; evalf(a); end proc)()); else return 'procname'(args); end if;end proc;Global_superlog_prep := superlog_prepare(exp(1), 10):